Whitcher Wildlife Ltd were commissioned to carry out an initial Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) of a large rail depot and area of sidings in Wigan prior to planned works commencing to improve the depot and re-lay areas of the sidings.
The survey identified protected sites in close proximity to the surveyed area, ponds in the surrounding area with existing records of great crested newts, several invasive non-native plant species listed on Schedule 9 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and structures with features suitable to support roosting bats. Abundant nesting habitat and suitable reptile habitat was also identified throughout the surveyed area.
Works are ongoing to investigate the presence of great crested newts in the ponds in close proximity to the site and to identify whether the structures on site are used by roosting bats.
Whitcher Wildlife Ltd will also carry out biodiversity calculations and advise on measures to achieve no net loss or a net gain in biodiversity during the project